Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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Helmets are Special Needs Equipment

Helmets are Special Needs Equipment One of the main problems for special needs children is damage to their heads when they fall or have seizures.  Our helmets are special needs equipment designed to protect the skull of the child, so that there is no danger from these types of injuries.  Our helmets give them protection […]

Extra Equipment for Special Needs Children

Extra Equipment for Special Needs Children Parents who purchase equipment for special needs children often forget one important item that many children need.  These children often need a helmet to help protect them from injury during a fall.  The children may also have a tendency for self-abuse, so the helmet can also protect them from […]

Do Helmets count as Special Needs Equipment for Children?

Do Helmets count as Special Needs Equipment for Children? Many schools only let children use items in the classroom that are specifically designated as special needs equipment for children.  This can include helmets, if they are required or recommended by your doctor.  Children who need helmets are often subject to different types of disorders that […]

Can an Adult get an Epilepsy Helmet?

Can an Adult get an Epilepsy Helmet? Our helmets come in sizes that will fit both adults and children.  If you follow the measurement guidelines on our sizing chart, you will be able to purchase the correct epilepsy helmet for yourself.  This measurement is easier to perform if you have assistance, so you should get […]

Are Helmets parts of a Child’s Medical Safety Equipment?

Are Helmets parts of a Child’s Medical Safety Equipment? Helmets can be considered part of a child’s medical safety equipment, if they suffer from a disorder that can cause injury to the skull.  This can be from seizures, such as those caused by epilepsy, or from lack of coordination, such as cerebral palsy.  They can […]

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