People who should purchase special needs equipment for children are those whose children suffer from certain disorders. These can range from self-abuse to hemophilia. You may also want to consider a helmet for a child who has cerebral palsy because they have problems with motor control and may injure their heads during a fall. They […]
Why should I purchase an Epilepsy Helmet for my child
If you have a child who suffers from epilepsy, a helmet can protect them from cranial injury. The problem with this disorder is that when you have a seizure, you lose all control of your muscles. This can cause you to fall and hit your head on a wall or the floor. With our helmets, […]
Helmets are Important Equipment for Special Needs Adults
Adults who suffer from different disorders can benefit from using our helmets. They are considered equipment for special needs and are able to help with several different disorders. They are useful for adults who have seizures, either from injuries or from epilepsy, to prevent any injury to the cranium during a fall caused by a […]
Why Protective Helmets for Epilepsy are important
One of the biggest problems with epilepsy is the seizures. Children who suffer from this disorder often find their entire body frozen as their muscles stop responding and seize up completely. This leads to the child falling unless they are lying on the floor or on a couch. Because they cannot raise their hands to […]
Using Protective Helmets for Seizures can ease your mind
Using protective helmets for seizures can help ease your mind when you have children who want to go outside to play with their friends. Our helmets can protect these children from falling and receiving an injury. They can also help them when they go to school by letting them enjoy a normal life while still […]
Protecting your skull with Equipment for Special Needs Adults
To protect your skull from injury, you may want to purchase equipment for special needs adults. Our helmets are part of this type of equipment and are designed to resist the impact that can occur during a fall. This is especially important for people who suffer from disorders such as epilepsy where they could fall […]
Can an adult use Protective Helmets for Seizures
Protective helmets for seizures are useful for both children and adults. Adults benefit because when they suffer from seizures, they often lose control of their arms and legs. This leads to falling and no way to protect the head from an impact with a wall or the ground. Adults can also use these helmets to […]
Can adults get Protective Helmets for Epilepsy?
Our protective helmets for epilepsy are designed to work for children and adults. All you need is an accurate measurement of your head and you can then find the proper sized helmet. We offer directions on how to achieve the best measurement to make sure your helmet fits comfortably. You should take this measurement with […]
Are there specific Helmets for Head Banging?
We do not have specific helmets for head banging because all of our helmets will protect your child’s cranium from damage. It does not matter if the impact is from head banging or from a fall, our helmets are tested to resist impacts and prevent cranial injuries. You can also use our helmets to help […]
Are Helmets Equipment for Special Needs Children?
A helmet may be considered equipment for special needs children and adults. These helmets are designed to protect the skull from impacts resulting in falling and/or walking into barriers, such as walls and corners. They can also help you protect adults who may have lost some motor control, such as from a stroke, or from […]