Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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How many Special Needs Helmets should I own

Because our special needs helmets are completely washable, you should only need to have two or three on hand.  This lets your child wear a replacement helmet while the first one is being washed.  Because they are made from EVA rubber, they can take up to 24 hours to be completely dry.  This is why having a third helmet can help keep your child’s head smelling fresh and clean while one is being washed and the other is drying.

What size Special Needs Helmets do you carry

We have a variety of different sized special needs helmets available.  We can send you a helmet to find a heat that is anywhere from 18 inches circumference to one that can accommodate up to a 26 inch circumference.  This means our helmets will fit the heads of small children or the heads of adult men.

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