Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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Helmets can work as Equipment for Children with Special Needs

Our helmets are designed to work as equipment for children with special needs.  They can help absorb any type of impact with the skull that could result in cranial injury.  They can protect children who suffer from self-abuse, spasticity and epilepsy.  They also help with children who have hemophilia, helping prevent injuries that could break the skin of the scalp and start uncontrollable bleeding.

Does my child need Equipment for Children with Special Needs

To determine whether or not your child needs equipment for children with special needs, you should consult with their doctor.  They will be able to tell you if they have a disorder that could cause them to have cranial injuries.  They can also recommend what type of equipment they need and whether a helmet will offer some type of protection.  Then, all you need to do is visit our order page to have your child’s helmet delivered to your door.

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