Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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special needs equipment

The First Piece of Special Needs Equipment for Children

One of the first pieces of special needs equipment for children you purchase should be a helmet.  This is because cranial injuries can be the most damaging to the health of your child.  Our helmets help prevent these injuries and give parents the peace of mind necessary to allow their children to be kids.  They can play outside, attend school and enjoy life because they have an extra layer of protection for their skulls.

Ordering Special Needs Equipment for Children

While many pieces of special needs equipment for children can only be purchased through a medical supply company, and then only with a prescription from a doctor, our helmets can be purchased by anyone who wants to protect their child.  This is because even children who are not under medical care for special needs could benefit from wearing a helmet.  It is designed to protect little skulls from damage, such as that caused by sports, falling or even self-abuse.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”rounded bordered” size=”large” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]ORDER YOUR HELMET TODAY[/sf_button]

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