Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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equipment for children with special needs

Help your Child by Decorating their Equipment for Children with Special Needs

Children can be very self-conscious when having to wear equipment for children for special needs.  This could even include children who are only wearing the items on a temporary basis.  To help prevent this type of problem, you can treat a temporary helmet situation the same as a cast.  They can have their friends sign the helmet and then keep it as a souvenir that shows them the number of people who supported them through this troubled time.

I do not want to purchase Equipment for Children with Special Needs

When you discuss your child with the pediatrician, they may make a recommendation for your to purchase equipment for children with special needs.  This is not because they make more money on the referral, but that they really care about the health and welfare of your child.  They may even want you to purchase a temporary item, such as a helmet, to prevent injuries during your child’s formative years.

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