Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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protective helmets for seizures

Epileptic children may need Protective Helmets for Seizures

The main problem for children with epilepsy is that they could fall during a seizure and suffer cranial injury.  Our protective helmets for seizures can help by offering a layer of protection between your child’s head and any surface they may encounter if they fall during a seizure.  They are made from EVA foam and are tested by major sports teams to prove that they can withstand an impact from falling and hitting a wall or the floor.

Getting the right fit in Protective Helmets for Seizures

It is important to get the right fit when you are ordering protective helmets for seizures.  The easiest way to measure a child, for a helmet, is to take a piece of string and gently wrap it around the top of the head.  It should be about an inch above the eyebrows and above the ears.  It should also be parallel to the floor, so it may be best to have a second person assist you when you are performing the measurement.

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